Yesterday my mum brought me and my sister to AnW to get our sugar on yo (:
We went for the whole, eat in your car kinda service which was kinda cool cause I could put my feet up on the dashboard :P heh. Anyways!
We parked in front of the little kiddy rides, the ones where you have to insert coins and stuff.
So this Malay couple let their kid ride it. But the funny thing was, it lasted longer than expected. And by longer I mean like 5 minutes xD
The couple felt damn helpless so they just carried the poor crying kid into the car cause they couldn't wait any longer xD
While waiting for our order, which was like another 5 minutes, the kiddy ride went on and on xD and about 3 more kids rode it, got bored and came down from it xD I mean like, WTH! faulty machine. But it DID make a lot of kids happy xD ( and saved their parents money as well )
Me and my mum was just laughing our butts off in the car and she said the funniest thing I've heard come out from her mouth,
" now when we go shopping, me and your dad can proudly walk pass a beep beep (what I used to call it) without worrying"
My mum told me when I was a kid, everytime they went shopping with me, they'd waste not less than 10 bucks on a crappy, wait sorry, a LOT of crappy rides just for me :P
Damn, I'm a difficult kid (:
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