Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Best Solution =]

P/s : We're just friends lah -___-

Monday, June 29, 2009

Think before you speak

I shouldn't talk so much :x

Tagged by Yee Jinnnnnnnn :DDD

Be honest no matter what, then tag at least fifteen friends.

01. Who was your last text from?
Mushieeeeee :D

02. Where was your default picture taken?
Tak de lah O.o

03. Your relationship status?
Single and LOVING IT ! :DDDD

04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
Distant yeah ><>chee goo paak ! :)

33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
Mabel and Wei knows :( DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT :D

34. What do you hear?
Maple Tracks :D I'm listening to LUDI ! IT MAKES ME HAPPYYYY :DDDD Oooh ! I forgot about question number 33 ! :DDD Dumm duh dumm dumm dumm dee dumm dumm :D

35. Is your hair curly or straight?
More curly than straight i think O.o

36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?

37. Do you have a best friend?
Nope :D I have best friendS :D

38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
In my dreams :D

39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
I shall use one now :)

40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
WHOAH ! Damn uncomfortable :x

41. Are you happy with life right now?

42. Are you currently jealous?
Nopee !

43. What jewelry are you currently wearing?
Nothing O.o

44. What were you doing on Friday night?
Hmm... Tuition ? Emo a bit :x Curi maple, then write my story :D

45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Aiyooo , Yealohh

46. Have you ever broken some one's heart?
Walao ! Don't think so lo o.o

47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
EEEEEE ! Remind me of question 33 again :(

48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
Ehh... Can't remember wor :P

49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
1 a.m. :D Uhh.. Doooo ! Sunnyy lo :(

50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Yuppp :xxxx EEEEEEE !

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name.

1. What is your name : Amanda ! :D

2. A four Letter Word : Arse

3. A boy's Name : Alex !

4. A girl's Name : Alicia :P ( My sister )

5. An occupation : Artist ! :)

6. A color : Amberrr ! :) Such a pretty word

7. Something you'll wear : A shoe ! HAHA !

8. 8 is missing o.o

9. A food : Apple ! :P

10. Something found in the bathroom: A toothbrush ! LOL :P

11. A place : America !

12. A reason for being late : A phone call from a friend ? :P

13. Something you'd shout : AWESOMEEEEE ! :D

14. A movie title : Anger Management ? O.o

15. Something you drink : A glass of water ! ( "A" is so easy :P )

16. A musical group : A.F.I. ( HEY MISS MURDER CAN I ! :DDD )

17. An animal : Antelopeee ! :P

18. A street name : Ah Beng street :D

19. A type of car : Alfa Romeo :P

20. The title of a song : A little too not over you :D


I'm not tagging anyone cause my blog can't right click :P
( I bet you're trying to right click now )

Tagged by Qi Le :D

1. The person who tag you
Qi Le ?

2. Your relationship with him/her is
Friends ? O_o

3. Your first impression of him/her is

4. The most memorable moments with he/she is

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is :
I broke my same tooth twice

6. If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve that

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, what will you do
Uhh... I dunno ? O.o

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be
I dunno ? O_O

9. The most desired things you want to do for him/her now is
To play chee goo paak with me :D

10. Your overall impression on him/her is
Friendly :P

11. The characteristic you hate most about yourself
I don't think before I talk :(

12. The most ideal person you want to be is
I wanna be Winter ! :D Her life is so perfect :3

13. For people who care and love you, say something to them

14. Pass this quiz to 10 people who want to know how they feel about you
( But I dont ? O_o I tag people with no blogs :D )

1. Sunnyyyyyy :D
2. Xuan Binnnnnnnnnnnnn :DDDD
3. Kingstonnnnnn :DDDDD
4. Ah Ron kor kor :D
5. Wilson kor kor :D
6. Sam kor :D
7. Gary :D
8. Gerald :D
9. Wei Zhong :D
10. Boi boi :D

16. Who is 6 having relationship with? [ Sam kor ]
I dunno her name O_o

17. Is 9 a male or a female? [ Wei Zhong ]
Male, 110% male :D

18. What is 2 studying at the moment? [ Xuan Binnn ]
How to crawl :P

19. Who was the last person you had a chat with?
Gerald :P Asked him to cancel tuition :x

20. What kind of music does 8 like? [ Gerald ]
The same music his mum listens to

21. Does 1 have any sibling? [ Sunnnyyy ]
Yupp :)

22. Is 4 single? [ Ah Ron kor kor ]
Yup :D Is he ? Kor, you'd tell me right ? :(

23. What is the surname of 5 ? [ Wilson kor kor ]
Wu , Like Wendy Wu :P

24. What's the hobby of 3? [ Kingstonn :D ]
Offering food to girls and ONLY girls :P ( Damn I miss him so so so much :( ]

25. Do 7 and 9 get along well ? [ Gary and Wei Zhong :P ]

26. Where is 10 studying at? [ Boi boi ]

27. Say something casual about your eyes

28. Have you tried developing feelings for 2? [ Xuan Binnnnnnnn ]

29. Where does 9 live? [ Wei Zhong ]
At the back of Jaya Diri :P

30. What colour does 4 like? [ Ah Ron kor kor ]
Black ? Im so so so sorry i dunno ><

31. Are 5 and 1 good friends? [ Wilson kor and Sunnyyy ]
Nooo ? O.o

32. Does 2 like 7? [ Xuan Binnn and Gary ]
I know 7 will like 2 :D

33. How did you get to know 8? [ Gerald ]
Same tuitions , same transport since Kindy :D PLUS ! He lives opposite my house :P

34. Does 3 have any pets? [ Kingston ): ]
He has a robo dinosaur ! :D

35. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world? [ Gary ]
He thinks he is :P

36. Are you sexy?
NO !

37. What am i doing now?
Being amanda ! :D

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What I did today

Nothing :D

p/s : Currently finding a chee koo paak partner :DDDDDD

Friday, June 26, 2009

Summary !


Yeah, three days ago -___- PFFT !



Just came back from tuition so I guess I'd update a lil :x

- Gotta get the pictures to update the empty concert post :P
- I want a camera ):
- Awww :( Michael Jackson passed away :( I really loved his song "Ben" D:
- I like that song o.o
- A lot
- Rest In Peace ><


- I wish Mr Shen would cheer up ):
- He looks so down today ):
- CHEER UP ! :)
- ):


-Tomorrow's a school day
- WHUT !?
- :(


- My teacher being emo today somehow affected my mood too :/
- I feel emo too :x


- I made a friend today :D
- Ment ! :D
- He was really really nice !
- And uberrrrr adorableeeeeeeee :)
- " What's ur name ? "
- " Ment "
- " Serious ? That's your real name ? "
- " Oh no , My real name is Ment Tan :D "




- Still feel emo :/
- I want a camera :( Then, my blog wouldn't be so so so dead D:


- Still working on my story :x
- Wanna make it a touching one so after he'd read it he'd cry :D
- I like to make him cry :)
- Will update more next time :)
- Still feeling down ):


Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Sunday, June 14, 2009

Harp performance :D

I'm too lazy to post all the pictures :x
Pictures on facebook :D

Practically it was kinda a success if u cross up my screwed up solo and Frances's super LONG and pretty satin gown :x

I was really really touched my buddies showed up !! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH :) AND XIE XIE FOR THE ROSES ! T-T That seriously made me cry :x SERIOUS ! :/


After that we went to Mcdonalds to have supper :P And they saw a really really hot guy that looked like Lee Hom @_@ I missed it .. :(

Bottom line is..

I LOVE YOU GUYS !! T-T A girl couldn't ask for more :)

Mabel , Miyo , Emily , Me , Ling Hong , Syin Li :D
Thanks for supporting me by wearing skirts !
Thanks for coming so far too :x
Especially the flowers
Syin Li , Ling Hong , Miyo , Emily , Wei , Yumey , Pearl-Lyn and Mabel and me in front :D
Thanks thanks thanks for coming too Wei , Yumey and Pearly :)
I know you guys went home kinda late and the place was very far >_<
Hope you guys had fun :)
Pearl-Lyn's holding the super pretty flowers !! :DThat's Isabelle's pretty pretty green harp
her pretty pretty dress and pretty pretty shoes :D
She played Twinkle twinkle and Row row row your boat :DSHE'S SO ADORABLE !!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Not really :/


Hate to be a mood spoiler but, time's almost up :/ Sigh...
And I've done nothing but PLAY AND SLACK the WHOLE holidays
Okay I admit I've studied something , Form 1 Geography -___-
Yeah that's all ):


MAN ! The haze was really terrible :(
I walked into a tree yesterday :x
( Not the haze fault )


I promised myself I must not get angry :)
So I went to study watch Chicken Little :D

I kept smiling throught the whole thing ;D
Feeling much happier now ! :)

Fish is so cute :P

Thursday, June 11, 2009

BitterSweet :/

Yesterday was so fun !

We had a full dress rehearsal, so by "full dress" I thought okay , I have to wear a dress. Well not exactly -____- Anyways ! We moved all the harps up the stairs and then we went up the stage and was like WHOAH ! COOL !

There were a grand piano , hand drums , the set drums thingy ( so cool ) , an a xylophone ! :DDD

Then I kept going round touching this, banging that cause I've never seen it before :P And then Frances taught me how to do a beat ! It was so fun and cool ! Oh yeah and there was this grand piano too. I was so happy :) But the parents complained I was too noisy :x Oh well !

Then there was this super big mirror, then we kept dancing around it :P Then we played with super super chio super adorable isabelle ! :D We played chase and tag hahahaha :D She's so adorableeeeeeeeee :DDDD


Then this morning I woke up , turned on my maple and BOOM -_____-
I got hacked
Well I PROMISED myself , and weiwei that I'll control my temper and be like Weizhong LOL :D
He NEVER gets angry :/
I wanna be more like him :)

Here's what the positive amanda would say
" GEE ! I hope that hacker really likes my super awesome, super godly , Red Craven ! Oh ! And not to mention super expensive gloves ! (: That cost me 51m in total ! Ahh.. The giving never stops "

Heh, not likely -___-

Monday, June 8, 2009

And It's Killing Me Slowly

I still can't turn my neck !! :(

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Itchy handed :P

Heyya !

Just came outta the sauna so I smell like crap ! :D
But my neck still hurts ): Curse various sleeping positions -grumbles-

Weiwei triggered the alarm at the bank today ! HAHA ! :D
You shoulda seen the look on her face :PPPP

Oh by the way, my MSN's being such a bitch
It doesnt work. -_________________________-

So yeah, ADD ME ON SKYPE ! :D
Cause that's the only thing I have that functions -__-
Uhh.. My email add is the same with my MSN's :)

Winter says she misses the old Sunny ):

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My awesome Malacca trip :)

So basically I had a super awesome time in Malacca :D
I can't really remember much so I'll just type out everything from my diary :P
It's a bit long :x So yeah . Take care

[ 31st of May , Sunday ]

I was supposed to go back yesterday , but my sister fell sick so I followed my uncle back to Malacca. Went back, saw my cousins :) Was kinda happy I got to hang out with em. AND GUESS WHAT ! XUAN BING CAME !! YAYYYY !! :DDDDDD Was so happy I forgot to snap a picture :P

After dinner, I went to watch tv with the rest. I saw my lil cousin sister , Nicole , webcam-ing so I butt-ed in :P O_o She's webcam-ing with a boy so i poked her and ask , " OOH ~ boyfriend ar ? " Then she said " HUH !? NO LAHHH , NOT THIS ONE "


NOT THIS ONE ? MEANS SHE HAS ONE LAH ! OMG o_o so hard to imagine . She's always like this little innocent 10 year old you don't wanna mess with ( in my opinion lah ) AND SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND !? O___O Okay lah, can admit she's quite pretty but... WHUT !? 10 ?!


She was eating in front of my cousin's laptop , then this guy was like saying a few lines to her ( i don't really care what :P ) but suddenly out of no where , she pointed the middle finger at him

WHOAH !? a 10 year old GIRL ?! What the asfdusgfahfvasdhasklfh whaaa?
[ 1st of June , Monday ]

Today was a pretty awesome day :D But I gotta study more :( I didn't touch maple today so , yeah :)

Somewhere in the afternoon , my cousin came into my cousin's room where I was studying then she asked whether she could use my straightener. O____O HER HAIR IS LIKE SOOOOO STRAIGHT AND YET SHE WANTS TO USE MY STRAIGHTENER !? Okay , I don't really care cause like , what are the odds of her damaging my straightener but , she'll damage her oh so pretty hair . So i warned her and she was like " USE CONDITIONER LAH ! " Okay o.o Not only that , she came in like 3 times , on-ed the switch herself and started to ( like my cousins call it ) "hiao" in a corner by herself.

After dinner, I went to my other cousin's room cause Nicole asked me to "teman" her cause she's scared of ghosts -___- Okay lah, so I brought my books over. Then Nicole was webcam-ing with the same boy as yesterday.. Okay.. Anyways.. Then you know little kids , they like to hide from the web cam like some virtual Bollywood movie. So she was hiding , and he was hiding , thank heavens they weren't dancing or singing. At some point, she got bored and he was still hiding, so she said . ( I quote exactly what she said )

" WALAO ( the boy's name here ) ! NI YOU MEI YOU LAN JIAO HAI "

( directly translating she's asking that guy whether he has a dick and a pussy at the same time )
HUH !?

Our conversation

amanda nicole

Uhh.. Ah girl ar girl .. What did you just say ?
Lan jiao hai ?
Uhh.. yeah , What does that mean ar ?
HUH !? NI BU ZHI DAO AR ( you don't know ar ) ?!
Bu zhi dao ( dunno )
-gives me the look as if I'm the most disgraceful life form on the face of this Earth-
Lan jiao , You know what is lan jiao ? Lan jiao is boy's that thing. Dick ar ? You know ?
Hai , You know what is hai ? Hai is girl's that thing.
Ming bai liao ma ( Understood ) ? -gives me the swt look-
Uhh uhh -nods head-


Then after that, we went to eat Satay :) YAY ! Heh , I didn't bring any clothes only my PJs so whatever lah . :/ Guess what , Super hiao po heard that I wanted to go tagged along too :x Oh , I forgot to mention her super high mantainence mum -___- She doesnt let her kids have fried stuff unless it's like half a day old . WHUT !?
So Nicole went and on the way there she kept saying she won't eat or else her face wouldn't be pretty anymore. Uh huh okay. While waiting for the order, she kept staring at me o.o

Our conversation
Yes ?
You have pretty eyes, but your face is very rough , and so is your hair ( in chinese )
Uhh.. Okay I'll work on that..
But you very cute leh ! -pinches my cheek-

Wait ar butt in for a little while
Might I remind you, she's a 10 year old , pinching my cheek , MY 15 YEAR OLD OILY CHEEK .

Umm.. Okay thanks
-keeps staring-
2 minutes later
-still staring-
-turns back-
Umm.. You also very pretty :)
I very pretty hor ? Yealor , I tell you ar.. All the boys in my class also love me cause they say I'm very beautiful
O.o I see..
Jie jie ?
Yea ?
You got boyfriend ar ?
Umm.. Nope.
Why ?
Oh , cause I damn stupid and ugly
Ohh... No wonder..
Uhh.. Thanks ?

Satay comes, Oh , forgot to mention we went to a satay stall , where their satays are special cause there's no fats :) Nicole ate 2 sticks , then she took the 3rd and 4th , nibbled a bit and threw it on the table. O_________O Her brother , usually unable to enjoy the pleasures of life, QUICKLY picked it up and ate the whole thing. When we asked her , she said , OH ! Got fats, and it's a little burnt.


[ 2nd of June , Tuesday ]

Woke up pretty late, went to eat Tangkak's famous Beef Noodles with my aunt and 2 cousins . It was pretty tasty :) UNTIL I FOUND OUT WHAT WAS IN IT

amanda aunt
Nice ?
Mm.. Not bad :)
But.. What's this ?
Oh .. Either intestine of cow or liver
-pushes bowl aside-

Then we went to get new plastic cover for my phone :D Cause it seriously needed one o.o

In the evening we played football :DDDDDDD I didn't know it was that fun :s I really really enjoyed myself :) I was in the same team as Nicole, and guess what ! She wore a skirt to play football -___- I had a really good time though :) Until I hit my super high mantainance aunt, also known as Nicole's mum. :xxxxxxxxx Was damn scared she'd lecture me like crap. THEN XUAN BING CAMEEEEE ! Didn't dare to touch him cause I was damn smelly and I sweated a lot :P But he's so adorableeeeeee :) Didn't get to take a picture cause I was scared I'd dirty my phone :)

[ 3rd of June, Wednesday ]

Nothing much happened today so I shall post photo's of baby Xuan Bing :D Cause I finally managed to get some :P
Oh btw, my mum came cause my sis got better :)
And Nicole went back. No one to tell me how much boys adore them anymore.. AWWW ! D: -_-

Yeah, we kinda "tortured" him with this can of peanuts since he doesn't have teeth yet

Awww :)

Then my mum bought McDonald's for supper . I had a sundae and an apple pie and my mum bought fries so yeah. I dipped the fries in my sundae. My cousin said they've never seen people eat like that O_O So they didn't dare to try :x Sigh.. I feel sorry for them.. Those of you who eat ice cream and fries don't you dare deny !

[ 4th of June , Thursday ]

Time to go home :( But on the way out , I found a little flower growing inside ( trapped ) the TNB box outside the house O_o It's so beautiful :)

Sorry for this super long post :x I just can't help myself !

Thanks thanks kor kor and jie jie for making my trip so memorable :) Though even if I don't score well this term I had loadsa fun and laughs :D Really really happy :P

Special thanks goes out to Xuan Bing ! You're so adorable :) Can't wait till you start crawling !


Wow that's my longest post :P