At the end of the previous post I promised to blog bout why I post self-portrait photos of myself on my blog. Well, if you've noticed, I've hardly ever posted any self-taken photos in my older posts, like old, OLD posts :/ Probably cause my mum sort of convinced me the internet is filled with sick guys who masturbate to photos of girls on social websites. And I'm pretty sure people still do that :/ But after realizing that my blog is like,
(Ignore the caption above)
Reason #2!
I feel insecure. And you might get really annoyed at the fact that 75% of the time I blog about me being insecure :/ But that's how I really feel, and this is the only place I dare to express myself. If I tweet too much, people might think I'm overly LOA, Facebook is just an invitation for stalkers and I cant keep updating my friends about my problems and opinions cause everyone has their own problems, right? And I know it sounds selfish, but I always try to make myself problem-free whenever I have to listen to other people's problems. And when I'm faced with problems of my own, I'd find it hard to listen to other people's problems. On most ocassions I get very annoyed and I'd have nothing to say in the end. Hey, everyone has their own level of tolerance, mind you. And after being such a hermit in UK for so long, my tolerance level has evidently decreased.
Wait, the previous paragraph has nothing to do with me being insecure ._.
I feel insecure cause I have this constant ringing inside my head about not being skinny enough or not being pretty enough for society. Lets start with the skinny.
My definition of skinny, is the ability to show a bare tummy in public. Other people might have their own definition of skinny, but this is mine. In UK, I consider myself small, cause we barely barely get to show skin due to the dry and cold weather. Even in the summer, the most I go for is a pair of shorts and sleeveless. Unlike some of my friends who go for the bare tummy, I can't. But none the less, I feel happy in UK. Because my friends never compare fats, or call me skinny/fat. They just call me small. And I like being called small!
Back home, I feel like a whale. And although I feel very happy when people tell me I lost weight, there's this part of me that feels I'm still not good enough. Especially when skinny people take a photo/ make a random comment saying they look fat, I get very hurt. It used to be worse, I used to get all worked up, and hold it in until I go to sleep, and forgetting about it the next day. I would get very very angry at people who call themselves fat when in truth they're not. "If you're fat, then what am I??". But now, I just ignore. And how's it going for me? Very well. I actually manage to look past it and move on. I no longer feel sorry for myself, I just feel sorry for the other people out there who are bigger sized than me. How would they feel if they heard you say things like that? I know some girls who're not to the skinny side who simply detest skinny people who call themselves fat. Even though I'm not yet that extreme, I totally get where they're coming from.
About being pretty, I'm on the fence about the debate of "natural beauty is better" and "makeup enhances your features". Yes, I do agree that make-up is a great invention, and most of the times I'm very very tempted to use it. But I also agree that natural beauty is better. Call me weird, but once I tried to edit a webcam-taken photo of myself, I deleted all the pimple scars. IT FELT GOOD! I stared at myself in vain, for a very long time, and I remember thinking to myself, omg, I wish I could edit and delete my face in real life too. Then as I looked at it long enough, I uploaded the ones with pimple scars. Crazy as it sounds, I just didn't like the edited me. Sure! I'd be damn glad to get rid of my pimple scars in real life, using ample amounts of medicine and skin-repair cream. But not this way. Goes the same for make-up too. Many times I was tempted to wear concealer to college, to cover-up all the ugly scars. And probably when college reopens I would. I know it's a form of lying to myself, just like the photo editing, but I want to feel pretty ): Is that really that much to ask for?
And sometimes I wonder whether this insecurity stems from the fact that I'm single.
And by the way, before you start saying I'm a hypocrite and all, let me admit that sometimes I may be. Oh and about being fat/skinny issue? I'll let you in on a little secret. According to my BMI, I'm borderline obese.
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