Sunday, September 22, 2013

Into the 3rd week now

Hey people of the undead, I am still alive, fortunately, despite everything and anything being thrown at me like a pie at a clown carnival. And it's only been 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS?! I swear it felt like 2 months. Ugh, everything is just hectic, rushing for deadlines, being held back cause of headaches and it's just one of those times when everything seems not to be in your favour. Oh spare me.

A rather interesting thing happened to me this weekend, and by interesting I mean, ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE -_- My ears seems to be blocked for some unholy reason, and it's just one of those feelings when you're on a plane and you try to swallow your saliva as much as possible during take-off so your ears don't get clogged up. Yea, but mine is. And it has been blocked for the past 2 days, 2, agonizing days. And not only that, since my ear is clogged, it feels like there's so much pressure in my head and I can't seem to get rid of it, (physical pressure, not mental), and its giving me these massive headaches.

I've tried everything humanely possible to get my ears to pop. Pinching my nose and blowing real hard, yawning every minute, and all the weird stuff they get you to do on "WikiHow". Which reminds me of the time when I was 17 and couldn't sneeze for 3 days. I was absolutely miserable. I tried everything from smelling pepper every half an hour, to making buzzing noises with my throat, to staring into bright lights, NOTHING seemed to work (my sister can be a testimony to how ridiculous I was for the past 3 days). I was just rolling in my bed, cursing and sobbing uncontrollably because it was so so painful not being able to sneeze. This is just the same. But this is giving me a headache and I can't even bend down to pick things up without groaning and kneeling on the floor for another 20 seconds.

My head hurts so badly. Put an end to my misery, please

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