Monday, March 10, 2014

Rainbow cake!! Well sorta.

Hi dear pumpkins and pumpkinettes *waves*

On Friday I got kinda bored so I decided to bake a cake! Not just any cake, but a rainbow cake! :D The ones where you type in "Rainbow cake" in google, you get a bunch of really professional-almost-fake-looking cakes, and the more realistic, failed cakes.

The failed photos really put me off, cause I know I'd end up like one of them. I ain't no Picasso when it comes to baking. I do the bare minimum and my patience.. deteriorates with time.  So being realistic, I decided to not do the rainbow layers, instead bake normal sponge cakes, and spread rainbow icing! So one tier would be red, orange, yellow etc :)

BUT! Being the brilliant mathematician that I am, I miscalculated the number of layers I needed, and ended up getting only 5 portions of cake mix.  Yup, I used cake mix cause baking them from scratch would probably take too long and I'd get impatient and probably screw up the presentation, like I always do.

I didn't really document the baking process because I just did it so quickly (with minimum mistakes) so I could get to the fun bit! THE ICING!

I did the cake layers one by one since I didn't wanna undercook one, or overcook another. Each "oven-time" was like 15 minutes, so it wasn't too bad.  But I wasted a lot of time getting my hand stuck in one of the drawers trying to get the baking pan out -____-" I sat on the kitchen floor grunting a lot for what felt like forever (30 minutes)

Getting the cake layers out of the pan was a bit tough since they were a weird combination of flaky and sticky :S

I couldn't do red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, because silly me only bought 5 tiers, which meant only 4 colours. So I decided to go with light yellow, yellow, baby pink and hot pink!  Can't you feel the oestrogen already?!

First pink layer (Doesn't it look girly!?)

First yellow layer! (I love yellow@@)

Stack, press, repeat.

My colourful pancakes stack

After icing

I know, I know. The white icing on the top looks gross.  Trust me, looking at it gave me diabetes.  I only used it to cover the cake because it keeps the cake from drying out.  And since the cake mix I used was from Sainsbury (and 25p a packet), I did what I had to *dramatic music*

I have no idea why the cake turned out like a baby girl's birthday cake.  Guess I thought it looked cute at that time :3 

THE NEXT MORNING! The eldest son, Oliver, woke me up and said, "you might wanna come downstairs"

Guess which little rascal took a bite out of the cake =3=  But I swear the kids in this house are super adorable, I can never get mad at them!  I went downstairs and the little 3 year old boy, William, was just holding a bowl and a fork going, "CAKE?" *heart melts*

A slice of the super girly cake

Overall! I think this project wasn't such a failure after all! Went pretty well, didn't have to amputate my hand or burn down the house, so all is good!

Stay tuned for more baking adventures! 

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