Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Promises, New Desktop

Happy New Year guys! :)

To be honest, I can't wait for 2013 to end so I can start 2014 ._. I just want 2013 to drift by because I honestly have nothing to look forward to but the summer :( I wanna go home so badly! But first, I have finish up my AS exams then I'd be freeeee to go! Again, not very looking forward to that either :(

And the holidays are coming to an end soon. *WAILS* I truly feel I've not fully utilize every second of my December break properly, it's all just, day by day of unproductiveness ._. If that's even a word.

In a few more days, my life would be nothing but, test scores and class averages. *sigh* I have nothing to look forward to every week, but endless tests and revision :( But at least I have a few events planned in between now and summer! An All Time Low concert in February on Valentines Day with Mel and Barcelona trip with my college mates in February! Yaaay :) Oh wait. There's also the DofE expedition assessment, which I'm totally unfit, unprepared, and not looking forward to. Why? Cause the last "practice" expedition, there was so much whining, complaining and the occasional screaming, I wanted to run into a tree hoping to drop dead -__- Seriously. If you're so scared of a little mud, just stay home.

ANYWAYS, I changed my desktop again, but probs gonna change it back to Stitch again cause the bright colours hurt my eyes @_@

Its Finn and Flame Princess, in fan fiction form! :3 Aren't they adorable! :))) Yes, I'm in a weird phase again :( Even my phone lock screen is a fan fiction picture of them

I just find them so sweet :') (even if I haven't watched the 3rd season of Adventure Time, but I have read quite a bit about them) :P 

Anyways, I'm gonna go finish up my homework now :( And hopefully finish season 2 of Breaking Bad :D I realize watching TV series makes time fly waaaay faster :)

Xiao Bai Chai says HARRO :)

Hoping to start the new year with a bang! Or bangs, for my case :P Don't worry, its temporary. I don't like bangs :(

BYE! Enjoy the rest of your holidays, WHILE YOU STILL CAN :)

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