Monday, January 14, 2013

Of Librarians and Chemistry

Dear diary,

I had a bad day. BAD

It all started after Biology class, when I went to the library with Fiona to finish up my bio practical write up and my economics homework, which was due tomorrow. All was fine and dandy. TILL THE LIBRARIAN SHOWED UP.

I was CAREFULLY replying someone on Whatsapp, trying to go unnoticed (because it is in the school's new STUPID policy, to ban students from using ANY electronical devices in the library, MP3s, mobile phones, iPads.)

AND THEN, THE LIBRARIAN JUST, HAAAAD TO SHOW UP. *rolls eyes. So I got told off, and yes, I do know it's my fault. But still, I hate getting caught. And I don't really like that woman because she acts as though as it takes a lot of skill and training to be a professional librarian. And I'm very stubborn and vengeful. So yes, I hope your drunkard neighbour pukes all over your car windscreen after eating a bag of Skittles, you librarian lady you.

Fast forwarding to the last class of the day, Chemistry. Chemistry teacher was NOT in a good mood at all. She contradicted herself MULTIPLE TIMES. Telling us off for NOT doing the sheets before hand, when she HERSELF said last time, to NOT DO THE SHEETS BEFORE THE CLASS, JUST READ. Then today she goes all "Why can't you do it without me telling you to? Talking to you people is just like pouring water on a duck's back. HOPELESS I tell you, HOPELESS."


Then she asked us whether we ticked off the topics we have covered on the syllabus sheet she gave us. We had to EITHER answer " Yes, I've ticked the sheets" or "No, I will get the punishment". I was pretty hopeful cause I did tick the sheets! Like 5 minutes before class ._. So me and another girl were the only 2 who didn't get the punishment. yaaaay. Btw, punishment was to come at 8.45 tomorrow, when classes USUALLY start at 9, for a detention -_- Yes, we are 18 and we still get detention.

I was pretty glad cause I don't have classes till 10.45am tomorrow, so I get to sleep in, and I get to wash my hair in the morning :) I hate washing my hair at night because it takes way too long to dry, so I end up going to bed with a semi-wet hair, and I can't use the hairdryer because my hair has been really dry after the bleach. So I really LOVE, my timetable because it's perfect :D

I couldn't WAIT for class to be over. Like seriously. THEN, a MINUTE before class ended, she told EVERYONE, to come in early at 8.45 tomorrow, for her to correct our homework.

So EVEN, the people who do NOT have a detention, have to be in COLLEGE, and 8 FREAKING 45 in the MORNING. Thank you chemistry teacher, thank you for contributing to the shittiness of my day.

I'm pretty sure there's a PERFECTLY good reason why she does these things to us, some deep Confucius morale behind all her actions. But right now, I can't bloody see shit.

That is all, thank you diary for listening to me.

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