At the start of the week, it was foggy for about 3 days. It made it much more colder and darker in the mornings, it was so hard to get out of bed and walk to college :( But after Wednesday the fog cleared and the weather was so lovely :) Slight wind, as the leaves drift about as though unwilling to fall to the ground, ohhh it was soooo pretty! For the first time in a long time, I actually ENJOYED walking to college!
BUT! If you're like my friend, who's currently studying in Bristol, because he cycles to college, the wind blows against his eyes forcing him to squint, and he has to constantly bear with the on coming flying leaves that hit his face as he cycles :P HAHA! Poor thing!
So yeah, just wanted to upload a couple of photos of England in the autumn! :)
Photos courtesy of Mr. Julius Ting :P I WOULD take a photo of the spiderwebs with the condensed fog myself, but I was running late for the bus :( So THANKS JU! :)
Don't they look awesome?! Look at the little droplets of water in the first photo! Couple of weeks ago was the spider's mating season. They were all getting in onnn with the ladiess ;) And there was SO MANY spiderwebs round. And yea, I walked into a couple without noticing until I got home :x Wonder whether I disturbed their sexy time
This was taken on Wednesday while I was walking down from college cause I had a half dayyyy :) The hill might not look steep here, but TRUST ME. For a person with short legs, its hell of a hike up -_- Owhh, love how the leaves are orangey-brown :) Like the faded strands of my hair -__-"
This tree was amazingly light yellow and pink! It's so so gorgeous! (':
I LOVE AUTUMN, BEST. SEASON. EVER!! I wish it could stay this way forever :(