Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mini China Town :)


Went to Wing Yip (A Chinese supermarket in Croydon) with Pui Yi, Chai, Yang and Feng today! After being here for around 7 months, today was my first day there. Pathetic huh -__- 

So today I had to meet em up at 12pm, so I decided to not set an alarm, so I could sleep in :) But scumbag brain decided to wake me up at freaking 6 am, reply whatsapp messages, roll in bed till 9, then decide that I should just go get ready instead -_- stupid. stupid. stupid. *grumbles*

Went for a Japanese lunch, did some stationery shopping, then headed off to Wing Yip! :)

Me and Pui Yi! :) She says we look alike in this picture! :S

Went in to Wing Yip, and was super suaku wei! Saw SO many good food that I have missed for the past 7 months, ALL HERE?! Okay, maybe not ALL, but, most of them! :( And I felt so disappointed! Like, why haven't I found this place sooner! :( But I didn't miss Asian food that badly, but whenever I do, I'd just force myself not to think about it, then I'll be fine again :) 


 Heeee! *waves imaginary Malaysian flag in hand*
*feels awkward and sudden burst of patriotism*

The only thing that stood out in the "Malaysian" section
Gold, pure gold (':

Saw a lot of classic "Asian" food, Pocky, Hello Panda, that Japanese salty flaky thing you put on rice, THEY HAD EVERYTHINGGGGG *echoes*

I saw Hup Tou Sou too! But I didn't wanna get it cause I like warm ones D: And I'm too lazy to microwave it all the time. So I bought just one piece from the bakery! :D

Serving suggestion? Bitch please, I'd eat em all in one go, don't tell me what to do!

 While waiting for the bus :3

Came back at night and saw this waiting at the stairs for me! HEH! My host helped me get this from those big retail stores :3

Hello fats, my dear, reoccurring friend ):

Oh! And I also did a little shopping and got myself this!

Sah Keh Mah?

Though after buying it, Pui Yi told me it wasn't that good :( So I was pretty disappointed. But then again, it wasn't TOO expensive so like, what the heck :/

Tried a piece anddddd, conclusion is.. it kinda sucks.

Oh well! At least they're like mini cakes I can warf down if I'm running late :)

CHRYSANTHEMUM TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. :'DDD oh how've I missed you my dear friend! (': One's missing cause I gave one to Pui Yi :3


Goodbye hair and chances of living to an old ripe age! D: Oh, and my new fluffy pajama bottom :3 HEEEHEE! Will upload a photo of it later in the week!

That's it for me today! Tomorrow's gonna be super super awesome, so, come back tomorrow! :DD

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