Friday, October 7, 2011

My adventure of the day

Woke up real early today, to renew my passport (:

Went to the immigration centre, and found out I needed to take a new photo cause my hair was in the way for my previous photo. -__-

So this will be my 4th time taking a passport photo in this year itself -_-

1st : in school uniform, normal faced. REJECTED, cause I was supposed to be in "normal" clothes.

2nd : "NORMAL" clothes, normal faced. REJECTED today, cause hair was in the way.

3rd : SERIOUS faced (dulan face) with WHITE background for my VISA. Probably one of the WORST photos I've ever taken. REJECTED! my IELTS needed a red/blue background one, can't remember

4th : serious dulan face, tied for last for the worst picture taken in my 17 years of living. FINALLY accepted for my IELTS! -__-

Okay later would be my 5th passport sized photo. -___-

I can imagine the uncle in the shop's reaction.

"HARR?! 又是你啊?!"

I thought my mum wanted to take the photo at the immigration centre, so I had to pin my hair. But guess what! I had no pin -__- so I had to make do with WHATEVER I could find in the car before my mum comes back and starts screaming at me /:

Paper clips. Of all things. Don't care lah, use only lah.

Then my mum came back and said she forgot to bring my birthcert and bla bla, so we went to SS2 market instead /:

Went to the chicken store and the lady selling chicken asked my mum

"LU EH KIA AR?!" gee, no wor, my maid wor -.- I get so annoyed when people say that /:

Then we went to the CD store and AGAIN the DVD uncle was like "LU EH KIA AR?!"


Then he said, she looks Seranese. .__. whoa thats a first :x usually I get Indonesian, Philipino , but NEVER Seranese. guess I felt a bit honored :P

Oh and the other day we went to the launderette, and the lady said I don't look Chinese at all /: oh yea, I'm adopted :s

Finally! Mum took me to the hair care store and I finally got my straightener! :DD

After going without one for only 2 weeks? I felt so messed up and disorganized /: I feel bratty :x

Mum got me the CUTEST (cheapest) model they had there :P and it's probably the smallest thing I've seen in my life (that's what she said) HAH! okay it only works for guys I guess /:

So puny! After getting my straightener I can finally cut my fringe! After 3 weeks bearing with hair poking my eyes /:

After straightened, before trimming :D


+ (gotta admit, the scissors looks pretty awesome :3)


I can see my eyes again!!

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone~ :D doo doo doo duh doooo (:

Gonna play guitar hero now!

When my dad was pumping petrol :P so cute right!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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