Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jaesy Rae (:

Yup, your eyes do not deceive you. It is satay.
Unfortunately it looks better than it tastes :/ My host parents decided to "microwave" the frozen satay and for the "kacang kua" they used.. ready? *dromrolls*

Peanut butter. CHUNKY peanut butter.

I miss home ): BRING ME HOME D':

Was so bored studying Economics yesterday for today's mock, I decided to follow the 9gag post and make roses! (: SUI BO? (pretty or not in Hokkien) :P Sadly I couldn't find my scissors (cause I bet someone mistakenly took mine and got lazy to say sorry so they decided to keep it instead). So I had to use cosmetic scissors :/ Not like plastic surgery kinda scissors, but the one in the picture :x Don't know what are those called.

Was walking back home when I saw snow by the fountain! :O Which is pretty unlikely since.. It's like summer now -__- Must be foam :P But it still looked really like snow!

The dual mixture of coloured leaves outside my college! (: Pretty aint it!

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