As promised! Here are some photos from my Duke of Edinburgh expedition! (:
First of, let me give you a mental picture of the whole expedition (:
It rained for the whole 3 days we were there, and we had A FEW HOURS, where it didn't rain. But like 70% of the time, it was either raining : Pouring and drizzling :/
Which made the grounds we tracked on very muddy and slippery. Especially inside the forests where it was up-hill, it was pretty hard :/ But surprising enough, the harder part was going down-hill, cause that would be when you might slip, fall and die.
Up-hill was just tiring (:
Next, the mud, the rain and the cold ( 6 degrees at night ) was the relatively easy part. IMO.
Let's just say camp brings out the ugly in everyone. And I'm not talking bout appearance. I admit I was so cranky most of the time, I just wanted to be alone. But that wasn't the main reason.
Here are some photos from my friend Pui Yi's phone! For an iPhone, it takes GORGEOUS PHOTOS! Well, her photography skills are chun-ted to begin with! So yeah (: And the scenery definitely made it easier (:
What these photos lack is the scenery in the forest, which IMO, was much prettier ;) but it was so slippery and muddy it would be too dangerous to stop for a "photo" break.
At some point, there was this bridge over a stream we had to cross, and it was, so scenic! I really felt I was hiking in a painting :P
I didn't take my phone with me cause I was annoyed at, some stuff. But the next time I go, DEFINITELY bringing it with me!! (:
Had to hike through the forests to get to see these scenes ;) So ENJOY! And be thankful you did not have to go through excruciating tiredness to see this! (:
I present to you! The UK countryside (:
While walking through this path, we were like daring each other to touch the electrical fence, JUST TO SEE WHETHER IT WAS ACTIVATED :P
There were 3 walls we could try out, one was not like the one in the picture, it was more of the artificial rock one where it had ledges and stuff, which was pretty tough! But it was so cool (: (:
P/s : I climbed all 3 walls! :DD *gloats* Even though after that I was numb like crazy xD SO WORTH IT! (:
And this is Pui Yi and I! (: In the toilet I think :/ Cause we were too lazy to go out into the cold ):
Would definitely love to rant more, but I think it's better if I forget it than dwell in it :/
HEY HEY! What's Beethoven's favorite fruit? :O
ANYWAYSSS! I received a parcel from home 3 days ago! (: (: (:
Yayyy! :DD It seemed pretty big so I was so excited! Nah, I knew what was coming :P Told me mum to pack it for me in the first place :P Haha!
I never knew they had RM10 stamps!! :O RM5 seems reasonable but RM10 WOW! :O
Hair pills!! :DDD YAY :D Finally! No more dry frizzy hair (':
You must be wondering whats that white piece of thing? It's toilet paper.
My mum thought I might miss Malaysia's toilet paper, so she stuffed some into the box.
Kidding! :P She said it might not pass the border in case the authorities think it's drugs -__- Quite true, since there's a little malay on it, they might misunderstand :/
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